Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Up to date with where we are with our character so far, making sure to put in details that other group members have contributed. - James

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted by Cameron Keeler

whilst iv'e been waiting for the UV I have been working on the presentation work, the image below is a brake down of the 20 minutes that we have and who could say what, we each have 5 minutes to talk and I have listed the areas that each person might want to cover during their time. These aren't final as they haven't been discussed but are at least a starting point.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Final update before finished UV - Scott

Final update with the character UV progress, stitching together the last final bits of detail to the legs and the head then a cylindrical mapping of the tail and all of it will be ready to be tested with rigging with mike and textured by cameron

Background Concept for Render

Rough sketch

Posted by Mike Rodrigues de Melo.
Further work on the concept pages, starting to move toward talking about the colour theory and modelling of the character. - James Penhallurick

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Posted by Cameron Keeler

I am currently working on a power point for our presentation of our character. I am also currently researching other methods of presenting the character, one that I thought could be interesting is to get a small book printed on a website called blurb.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Updated character - Scott

The above images show the updated character, I altered the character by separating the edge loops apart from one another to create more space between the large clusters of edges. This updated character is the one I've now moved into UV unwrapping and will pass onto Cameron for texturing.

Weight Painting Video Reference Tutorial

Posted by Mike Rodrigues de Melo.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Examples of pages with finished text, explaining the work shown and how we proceeded as a group.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

posted by Cameron Keeler

the image below is the UV so far

DragonFly Rigging


Updated UV unwrap - Scott

This is the updated uv unwrap, which i had to alter because parts of the body were too small to texture.

Furthur page layouts, text bodies to be discussed and collaborated between the group - James Penhallurick

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sample page of the Character Pack for presenting our character and the work that we have created for it so far - James Penhallurick

Thursday, October 31, 2013

posted by Cameron Keeler

For the next part of the project I have been researching lighting rigs and camera rigs for the dragonfly model. The links below are videos that I have looked at for research.

Lighting Rig


Following the object using cameras

Camera Rig
James Penhallurick - Finished Model ready for UV unwrapping

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Modelling Update

Head Update 2


Posted by Mike R. de Melo
Posted by Cameron Keeler

We discussed in the group that the character needed a small scene to be placed in, so the images below are some renders of what I have done so far. 

UV unwraps of dragonflies body and tail - Scott

The two examples of the dragonflies abdomen and thoraxes UV unwrap

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Head Modelling

Posted by Mike Rodrigues de Melo
posted by Cameron Keeler

final design and final colour scheme

now that we have picked the final colour scheme and design the next step for me and Scott is to design the textures and gather the resources needed for them whilst James and Mike start the modelling.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

posted by Cameron and Scott

After gaining feedback from our lecturer and agreeing that our character was too humanoid we researched other areas to make it more insect like. These are some of the images that we used as research for the new robotics.